Homework assignment

Handing in the homework

The homework assignment can be sent by post to

HTW Berlin
Studiengang Game Design
Bewerbung Nr. ###
Wilhelminenhofstr. 75a
12459 Berlin

or be delivered in person only on 

from 10:00 - 18:00 h
Slabystr. 12
12459 Berlin

Caution: For the possibility of return shipping, the homework has to be packaged in the standardized packages from the various shipping companies. Homeworks, that have not been correctly packaged, cannot be returned via postal service. Please do not include a return label. More information on how to pick up or return the homework will be provided during the application process.


Beautiful tasks for future game designers

For the homework, you have to work individually on the current topic. You have to add a time and place of your choice to the topic. This creates a so-called setting. A precise spatial and temporal definition makes your Stetting particularly interesting.


The theme for 2024: CALL



The themes of recent years have been:

2023: EYE <location> <time>
2022: COVER <location> <time>
2021: LOT <location> <time>
2020: UNIT(E) <location> <time>
2019: CHANGE <location> <time>
2018: DEAL <location> <time>
2017: HIVE <location> <time>
2016: SHELTER <location> <time>
2015: NATURE <location> <time>
2014: BOUNDARIES <location> <time>
2013: FACTORY  <location> <time>
2012: TRACK <location> <time>
2011: CRIME SCENE <location> <time>
2010: TUNNEL <location> <time
2009: ABANDONED HOUSE <location> <time>


Find my own task?

This principle of examination gives you the opportunity to develop a distinctive assignment according to your interests. 
In 2009 the theme was: ABANDONED HOUSE. Here are examples of the settings of three successful homework assignments:

ABANDONED HOUSE - Afghanistan - 1979 
ABANDONED HOUSE - Nord-Westen der USA - 2009 
ABANDONED HOUSE - Marokko - 1844


What do I do with my setting?

Show your imagination, create characters, creatures or visualise locations, architecture or design vehicles for the setting. Maybe you have ideas about a game and its mechanics? About the atmosphere of a level or the wayfinding? The reference to the job of a game designer is very clear and of course intended by us.


Can I also show the process of creation?

Feel free to give the commission an insight into your preliminary planning work and collection of ideas. We don't just want to see finished works, but also the way to get there. Notebooks, sketchbooks and preliminary studies can also be submitted.