Prof. Susanne Brandhorst
Conceptional Designer, Creative Director,
Co-Gründerin DE:HIVE Institut
Aufgaben: Künstlerische Leitung von Projekten, Creative- und Art-Direktion, Game Thinking und Visual Development, Coaching von künstlerischen Workflows, Konzeption von neuen Lehrmodulen und Lehrformaten, Kuration und Konzeption GAME SPACE Career Day und GAMES SPACE Open House
Prof. Thomas Bremer
Game Design, System Architecture, Visual Arts
Co-founder DE:HIVE Institut
Tasks: Game conception and development, game system development, rulebook aesthetics, analysis of game systems, development of technical system architectures, coaching in the Game System Design segment, contact person for industry and research as well as foreign cooperation.
Prof. Jan Berger
Prof. Dr. Christian Rauda
Honorarprofessor für das Fachgebiet "Computerspielerecht und Entrepreneurship in der Games Branche". Fachanwalt für Markenrecht, Urheber- und Medienrecht sowie Informationstechnologierecht.
Kai-Arie Browne
Landscape Archaeology MA
Research assistant, 3D digitization, virtual archaeology
Marlen Hähle
Design MA
Studio coordination
Morten Newe
Game Design BA / System Design MA
Research assistant, AI and game technology
Julia Peters
Product Design MA
Artistic assistant, transfer and coordination
Sebastian Plesch
Computer Science M.Sc.
Research assistant, VR development, game technology
Jules Pommier
Game Design BA / System Design MA
Research assistant game design / BMX and teaching system design
Mai Huyen Vo Dieu
Media Studies MA
Artistic assistant, transfer and coordination
David Witzgall
Game Design BA / System Design MA
Artistic assistant, Unreal Engine, level design VR development