at the DE:HIVE Game Hub of HTW Berlin, an integrative game space where research, teaching and entrépreneurship are connected in a new way.
On this page you find all the information about the study programme (bachelor and master) as well as the application process.

This Bachelor's degree programme qualifies you to work in a developer studio or in other innovative areas of games production.
The programme at HTW Berlin offers 100% games in all modules as well as practical-productive teamwork in projects from the first semester.
We do not charge tuition fees, a qualified test decides on the allocation of 40 places per year.

100% Games
Digital games and interactive entertainment software are the thematic focus of this unique study programme.
We teach the technical and methodological skills needed for the conception, design and technical implementation of game systems.
Photo: Students at the Hackathon, 2016

Professional studios
The design of our workrooms is a special feature of the degree programme. Spacious studios replace the usual seminar and teaching rooms at universities. Our studios are not only equipped with state-of-the-art technology, but also offer students optimal environments with a co-working flair.
Photo: View of a team bunk in the evening, 2017

Nesting sites for teams
The realisation of digital games requires a special spatial infrastructure. That's why we allow the project teams to set up their own bunks over the course of a semester. Not only are computers and other technology available here, but the use of the walls is also expressly desired.
Photo: Students in their workspace, 2017

VR Spaces
For the production of virtual reality games, numerous VR Spaces in different sizes as well as equipment are available to the working groups. We have usually placed production workstations in the immediate vicinity.
Photo: View into one of the VR studios, 2016

Women make games
About 50% of our students are female. As we do not have a quota, the figure varies somewhat from year to year.
Female professors and lecturers are also active in teaching.
Photo: Students consulting on their play project, 2017

Practical learning
On average, students realise 3-5 games and numerous prototypes during their studies. They work in small interdisciplinary teams on concepts of their own choice. The project phases range from 3 weeks to 3 months. Inter-semester projects are also possible.
Photo: Team of three after 3 Weeks Game Jam, 2016

A professional team supports the learners during production by means of special feedback formats.
Weekly or bi-weekly meetings with the coaches at the Pink Table are common. Public interim presentations to the entire programme supplement the critique rounds with the teachers.
Photo: Team during a coaching round, 2015

Games for all
The student projects are practical and product-oriented. The genres range from classic entertainment games to applied games or digital toys to interactive simulations with a playful character - tailor-made for platforms and target groups.
Photo: Talking cuddly toy with integrated play system, 2016

Events and exhibitions
We regularly exhibit students' work such as games and art works to the public. Numerous events are offered to interested parties throughout the year: HIVE FIVE, Werkschau des FB5, Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, VR Studio - Behind the Scenes and more.
Photo: Character Maquettes of the first semester, 2017

State University
HTW Berlin is the largest university of applied sciences in Berlin. It offers its students a broad range of subjects with excellent educational quality. Numerous offers, e.g. university sports, career service or contacts to partner universities abroad round off the programme.
Photo: Beach bar and library seen from the Spree, 2015