Couch Monsters

DCP Nachwuchspreis Bester Prototyp für Couch Monsters

Couch Monsters wurde mit dem über 35.000 Euro dotierten Nachwuchspreis Bester Prototyp beim Deutschen Computerspielpreis ausgezeichnet. 

Delve into the world of cute Crunchy and Munch, two lab-grown monster. 

Evil scientist are holding them captive, but they only want to snuggle up into one of the couches the scientist have standing around. Help them conquer couches! Couch Monsters is a physics based couch-coop puzzle game for two people. 

Working together you and your team-partner have to solve physical puzzles with a twist: Whatever one couch monster eats the other one spits out! And as they can eat almost anything - gorging down even crates the same size as themselves - each level becomes a playground. Slip-ups often lead to death – for progress you have to work together, although working against each other might be even more tempting sometimes.